IS230SNAIH2A is manufactured by GE. IS230SNAIH2A can be used in hazardous location.
IS230SNAIH2A including: IS220PAICH1B I/O pack
IS200STAIH2A terminal board.
IS220PAICH1B includes two 0-20 mA analog outputs capable of 18 V compliance runningsimplex or TiR. A 14-bit DAC commands a current reference to the currentregulator loop in the PAIC that senses current both in the PAIC pack and on theterminal board. In TR mode, the three current regulators in each PAIC share thecommanded current loads among themselves. Analog output status feedbacks foreach output include:
Current reference voltage
Individual current (output current sourced from within the PAIC)
Total current (as sensed from the terminal board, summed current in TMR mode)
In Mark* Vle systems, the IS220PAICH1B I/O pack works with the IS200STAIH2A. The l/O pack plugs into the D-type connector and communicates with the controller over Ethernet. Only simplex systems are supported.
All revisions of STAI are compatible with all PAICs.
How to install IS230SNAIH2A?
Direclty plug the IS200STAIH2A into the terminal board connectors. IS200STAIH2A plus a plastic insulator mounts on a sheet metal carrier that then mounts ona DIN-rail. Optionally, the STAl plus insulator mounts on a sheet metal assemblyand then bolts directly to a cabinet.
Is it new?
Yes, IS230SNAIH2A is original new.
What's the warranty?
We supply 1 year warranty.