GE IS220PDIAH1A Discrete I/O pack

GE IS220PDIAH1A Mark VIe Discrete I/O pack

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    General Electric PLC
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    1 PC
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    1 - 5
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  • Warranty:

    1 Year
Product Detail

GE IS220PDIAH1A Mark VIe Discrete I/O pack
As GE PDIA Discreted Input module, IS220PDIAH1A is belong to Mark Vie series. The Discrete Input (PDIA) pack provides the electrical interface between one or twoI/O Ethernet networks and a discrete input terminal board. The pack contains aprocessor board common to all Mark* Vle distributed I/O packs and an acquisitionboard specific to the discrete input function. The pack accepts up to 24 contactnputs and terminal board specific feedback signals. PDIA accepts three differentvoltage levels (with types TBCIH1, H2 and H3 terminal boards). Connections forthe isolated discrete input board with voltage sensing (with type TICI board) areavailable. System input to the pack is through dual RI45 Ethernet connectors and athree-pin power nput. Discrete signal input is through a DC-37 pin connector thatconnects directly with the associated termminal board connector. Visual diagnosticsare provided through indicator LEDs, and local diagnostic serial communications arepossible through an infrared port.
The Mark* VIe control system is a flexible platform used in multiple applications. It features high-speed, networked input/output (I/O) for simplex, dual, and triple redundant systems. Industry-standard Ethernet communications are used for I/O, controllers, and supervisory interface to operator and maintenance stations, as well as third-party systems.
The ControlST* software suite, which contains the ToolboxST* toolset, is used with Mark VIe controls and related systems for programming, configuration, trending, and analyzing diagnostics. It provides quality, time-coherent data in the controllers and at the plant level for effectively managing control system equipment.
The Mark VIeS Safety control is a stand-alone safety control system for safety-critical applications that conform to IEC®-61508. It also uses the ControlST software suite to simplify maintenance, but retains a unique set of certified hardware and software blocks. 
The ToolboxST application provides a means to lock or unlock the Mark VIeS for configuration and safety instrumented function (SIF) programming.



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